Jodi Heffernan: CV

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Jodi Heffernan: CV


Heffernan, Jodi



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Jodi Heffernan: Curriculum Vitae


1990-1991 B.A. Fine Art – Printmaking Honours RMIT City Campus, Melbourne
1988 Diploma of Education – Latrobe University, Bendigo
1984-1987 B.A. Fine Art – Printmaking RMIT City Campus, Melbourne

Solo Exhibitions
1997 Dianne Tanzer Gallery
1995 Dianne Tanzer Gallery

Selected Group Exhibitions
2009 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Art Gallery
2008 Works on Paper, Mornington Regional Gallery
2007 ‘An Intimate Look,’ an exhibition of selected artists from residencies at Bundonon
Paper Animals Travelling exhibition, Albury Regional Art Gallery
Geelong Print Prize, Geelong Regional Gallery
50 Victorian Printmakers, A portfolio curated by Rona Green and exhibited at Geelong Regional
2006 ‘Whiteout ‘Travelling exhibition, Moorondah Art Gallery, Span Gallery,
Benalla Regional Art Gallery, Monash University Gallery Churchill
2005 Geelong Print Prize
2004 Silk-cut Award for lino-cuts in collaboration with Sarah Pirrie
Paper Animals Moorondah Art Gallery
2003 MLC Acquisitive Art exhibition, Betty Jackson Hall, Kew, Vic
2002 Silk-cut Award for linocuts
Metropolis Gallery, Port Phillip Residents Group Show, St.Kilda
1999 Australian / Korean Exhibition. (Museum of Modern Art Korea
23rd Annual Fremantle Print Award Exhibition.
HI/Lo Exotica a Collaborative Cross-cultural Exhibition. Gallery Stop 22, Fitzroy st St. Kilda. (Fringe Festival)
Wynne Prize & Exhibition -Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, Chisholm Staff Exhibition.
From Silkscreen to Computer Screen -20 Years of the Fremantle Print Award, a Travelling Exhibition.
International Miniature Print Exhibition Quebec, Canada.
Macarthur Print prize (NSW)
International Artist Book Exhibition Qld selected for invitation section.

2006 Silkcut Acquisition
2005 Geelong Print Prize Acquisition Award
2004 Silkcut Acquisition / in collaboration with Sarah Pirrie
16th Annual Fremantle Print Award
Canson Student National Art prize.
Diamond Valley Invitation Art Award Highly Commended (works on paper)

Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Arche Paper Mill, France.
Australian National Gallery, Canberra.
Canson Australia Pty Ltd.
Canson, France
Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
Chisholm Institute of technology
Fremantle Arts Centre. Western Australian.
Lefranc & Bourgeois, Paris.
Monash University (Clayton campus)
Museum Miastra Ostrowa, Wielkopolskiego, Poland
R.M.l.T, University of Technology
The Australian Print workshop
London Print workshop
Edinburgh Print workshop
State Library of Australia

Publications and Catalogues
2010 TreeLine Education kit
2009 Fremantle Print Prize Education kit
2006 The 2004 Silk-cut Award exhibition catalogue
2004 The 2004 Silk-cut Award exhibition catalogue
2002 The 2002 Silk-cut Award exhibition catalogue
2000 Australian / Korean Exhibition catalogue
1998 From Silkscreen to Computer Screen -20 Years of the Fremantle Print Award. 1997
Polish Mini Print Show, Museum Miastra Ostrowa, Poland
1996 Polish Mini Print Show, Museum Miastra Ostrowa, Poland
1993 Imprint. Summer Edition.
" Radio National" Arts Program September1993
‘The Australian" August 31/8/1993 (Ted Snell)
"The West Australian" 31/8/1993 On Show -David Bromfield

2004 Bundanon, Shoalhaven, NSW in collaboration with Sarah Pirrie
2010 TreeLine Lead Artist Program participate


Last Updated

13 Aug 2012