The Human Clay by Diane Mantzaris and guest artist Vasan Sitthiket.

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The Human Clay by Diane Mantzaris and guest artist Vasan Sitthiket.


Number1Gallery (22 February 2012 – 3 March 2012)




Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Thailand

Countries of context

Australia | Thailand


Number 1 Gallery Bangkok is proud to present The Human Clay by Australian artist Diane Mantzaris and Thai artist Vasan Sitthiket. Both are artists and social activists. They believe in the power of art to change the consciousness of society. They are acutely aware of social inequality and they continue to be active in protesting against discrimination and disparity in society. They are not afraid to hold a mirror up to society, even if the reflection is not pretty. They gaze unflinchingly into the depths of society’s problems and create works which are cautionary, subversive and beautiful. They are both very concerned about the ways governments seek to censor artists. Consequently, their works are often viewed as ‘difficult’. For example, despite persistent effort they were unable to stage this exhibition anywhere within Australia, which perhaps speaks volumes of the ultra-conservative nature of Australian public venues. {gallery media]