‘The… Library of Essential Knowledge’.

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‘The… Library of Essential Knowledge’.


The Lane Gallery [2]. (28 July 2009 – 15 August 2009)




Single-artist exhibition. Located: New Zealand. Paintings

Country of context

Aotearoa New Zealand


 ‘The… Library of Essential Knowledge’
(Reader’s Digest Publication 1978)

A concern with the human desire to collect knowledge provides a key motivation for Lisa’s art practice. Her works feature diagrams, imagery and text from encyclopaedia, text books and books in general. Natural history and botanical drawings feature frequently in her work, along with patterns and motifs gathered from historical sources. 

The first point of interest with such sources is an interest in the endless desire to collect information and make connections between disparate fields of knowledge. There is also the satisfaction of consuming information in visual form such as diagrams, maps and plans. Lastly, there is a nostalgic return to the pleasure of searching through encyclopaedia for school research projects. [Gallery media, 2009]

Last Updated

04 Jul 2012