Strangely Familiar Fiona Hall and Fiona MacDonald

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Strangely Familiar Fiona Hall and Fiona MacDonald


UTS Gallery (1 November 2005 – 2 December 2005)




Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW). Installation


Ricky Subritzky

Country of context



We comfort ourselves as best we can. We feather our nests and are kissed by consumption. We are flying toward something we do not know and yet someone, somewhere, always knows where we are.

The art of Fiona Hall and Fiona MacDonald will turn the gallery into an environment where we see the aftershadows of the collection and the complicated folds of capitalism. The setting is a haunted domesticity. The walls are draped and wallpapered, shopping bags frighten us and all our money seems able to blow away. But this is not a simple horror. We experience the paradoxical pleasures of seeing money made into an exquisite home and flows of consumption becoming a sail across the sea or a flight on a breeze. [gallery media]

Last Updated

04 Jul 2012