Sydney by Design: Wood and Linoblock Prints by Sydney Women Artists Between the Wars.

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Sydney by Design: Wood and Linoblock Prints by Sydney Women Artists Between the Wars.


National Gallery Of Australia (8 March 1995 – 25 April 1995)

Araluen Centre For Arts And Entertainment (3 June 1995 – 30 July 1995)

Port Pirie Regional Gallery (25 August 1995 – 24 September 1995)

Broken Hill City Art Gallery [1] (29 September 1995 – 29 October 1995)

Ipswich Art Gallery. (4 November 1995 – 3 December 1995)

Moree Plains Gallery (8 December 1995 – 8 February 1996)

Bendigo Art Gallery (28 February 1996 – 14 April 1996)

Geraldton Regional Art Gallery (3 May 1996 – 16 June 1996)

S.H. Ervin Gallery (4 July 1996 – 18 August 1996)

Burnie Regional Art Gallery (28 August 1996 – 29 September 1996)


(1995 – 1996)


Multi-artist travelling exhibition. Located: Australia. Prints.


Roger Butler, Senior Curator, Australian Prints and Drawing, National Gallery of Australia


Roger Butler. 48p. ill. biogs. bibliog. ISBN 0 642 13036 1

Country of context



Margaret Preston described the woodcut and linocut as a 'friendly little craft'; an art form that took up little space, could be practised with just a few simple tools and could be fitted in around other tasks.

The interest in wood and linoblock printing in Sydney was short-lived. Most were produced in the ten year period 1928­1938. The production of these works was almost entirely due to the example set by Margaret Preston and the teaching of Thea Proctor, at the Sydney Art School, and Adelaide Perry who ran her own classes. Both of these artist-­teachers used linocutting as a method of teaching design. Almost all the works produced during the period were by their students, the great majority of which were women.

 This exhibition looks at the work of these Sydney based women and focuses on the way they responded to their environment - their studios and houses, the shops, the city and parks, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the waterside and beach. Included are woodcuts, linocuts and woodengravings.

Last Updated

22 Aug 2020