Another Planet Posters Inc.


Another Planet Posters Inc.

Other names






Start date

December 1984

Start place

St Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia View on map Close map

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End date

31 December 1991

End place

Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia View on map Close map

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Poster workshop | Print workshop (access)


Located: Australia (VIC). Screenprints






  • 1984-86.
    St Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

  • 1986-92.
    Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.


Another Planet

Established in 1984 with Commonwealth Employment Programme funding, Another Planet moved from its St. Kilda premises to Richmond in 1986. Mainly funded by the Australia Council and the Victorian Ministry for the Arts the workshop’s income is supplemented by local community groups. A three-tier system of access is in operation: ‘User pays’ — a design and printing service for clients with publicity budgets; ‘Project Access’ — projects for community groups are developed with some costs being subsidised by government grants these include issue based posters and pamphlets, for example, for youth, peace, housing, cultural identity!; and ‘Resource access’— groups are provided with funding and planning and budget advice for projects which will be conducted in the workshop. In January 1992 Another Planet amalgamated with Red Leper Press, a like-minded organisation, under the name Red Planet.

“The task of raising people’s consciousness about the threats to peace in today’s world and the way each and every one of us can contribute to a peaceful and nuclear free future has been taken up by a plethora of groups over the years who would broadly identify themselves with the ‘peace movement’- 1986, The International Year of Peace, has provided a strong focus for action to achieve these objectives. The Billboard Project is one important example. When access to the mainstream media is largely restricted to those with money and power, we are constantly on the lookout for other effective ways to convey our concerns to a wide audience. Clearly the Billboard Project does just that. Representatives from Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific, Nuclear Free Zone Secretariat, Friends of the Earth, Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament, Movement Against Uranium Mining, International Year of Peace Secretariat and the Nuclear Disarmament Party met with the art workers to identify issues of mutual concern, contributing ideas for the design and slogan.” (Leanne Corbett — International Year of Peace Secretariat — on behalf of the participating organisations, Australian Way of Life from Another Planet, Melbourne: Another Planet, exhibition catalogue, 1986.)

© Roger Butler, 1992.
Published in My Head is a Map: a Decade of Australian Prints, exhibition catalogue, Canberra: Australian National Gallery, 1992.

Last Updated

21 Feb 2021