The Proprietors of the Monthly Almanac and Illustrated Commentator will present [ A view of Adelaide lithographed by Samuel Calvert].

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The Proprietors of the Monthly Almanac and Illustrated Commentator will present [ A view of Adelaide lithographed by Samuel Calvert].


Monthly Almanac and Illustrated Commentator.


South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal, 9 March 1850, page 2, column 3.

Publication date

9 March 1850





Country of context


Full text

THE Proprietors of the Monthly Almanac and Illustrated
Commentator will present, with their April
number, to Subscribers paying Five Shillings, being five
months subscription in advance,
A magnificent tinted Lithographic Print of the
Taken from an entirely new point of view, embracing the
principal Edifices, the Torrens, Park lands, and Picturesque
Mountain Scenery.

The Engraving will be upon fine drawing paper, 18 inches
by 12; and, forming a Supplement to the Almanac, can be
transmitted free of postage to any part of the world.

Price to Non-Subscribers, 2s. 6d.

Subscriptions received by Mr Strode, Printer, Gawler-place;
Messrs Platts and D'Arcy, Stationers, Hindley-street;
Mr Dehane, King William-street; Mr J. J. Akhuret,
Coppin's Exchange; Mr Teakle, Port Adelaide; Mr Mackay,
Gawler Town; Messrs Marks, Kooringa; Messrs Bakewell,
Brighton; and Mr McDonald, Glenelg.

[South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal, 9 March 1850, page 2, column 3] Click here for newspaper view

Last Updated

12 Aug 2023