Bosun, David.

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Bosun, David.


Australian Art Print Network.


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David Bosun

Born on Mua Island in 1973, David Bosun grew up in a sensitive cultural environment and was taught traditional customs as a young child. Bosun developed an early interest in art and maintained this passion throughout his education. While at James Cook University, studying for an Associate Diploma of Communication, he was inspired to take up artistic practice seriously. On his return to Mua Island, Bosun worked as Councillor and Project Officer with Kubin Community Council before becoming a founding member of Mualgal Minaral Arts Centre and practicing printmaker with Dennis Nona.

Bosun’s work is held in the Cairns Regional Gallery, the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and in private collections in Australia.  Bosun has exhibited in group shows nationally and internationally. Recent examples of his work produced at the Mualgau Minaral Artist Centre workshop are travelling with other collective artists in their first exhibition, Gelam Nguzu Kazi – Dugong My Son, which will tour Australian regional galleries and overseas venues from 2001 to 2004.

Biography prepared with the assistance of the Australian Art Print Network, 2001.

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